Wednesday, September 2, 2009

What Should be in Every New Home and Why -- Part 4-- HVAC

The Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning System (HVAC System) of a home has a huge impact on comfort and air quality. It consists of Home Air Qualitymuch more than an efficient furnace or heat pump. It’s an entire air management system that regulates fresh air, efficiently moves conditioned air, and ensures proper evacuation of “dirty” air.

Ask the builder: How is air quality managed?
Air quality management consists of temperature control, moisture control, introduction of fresh air and evacuation of “dirty” air. This doesn’t all happen by accident. Look for builders who consider all aspects of air quality management by incorporating active systems with monitoring and control over air quality and exchange.

Ask the builder: Do all of the air ducts run within conditioned space?
Improved home air qualityAir ducts simply perform better when they’re within conditioned space. Metal is a great conductor of heat so metal ducts will quickly transfer temperature. When they’re in unconditioned space the difference in air temperature greatly affects the efficiency of your HVAC system. Any heat transfer the ducts allow should be within the space you’re trying to heat or cool so that the energy being used isn’t wasted. Sometimes you'll see an attempt to insulate ducts that run in unconditioned crawl spaces or attics. It’s a bandage that treats the symptom rather than the root.
Mark Mecklem - Miranda Homes

Next: Exterior Insulation and Siding

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