Thursday, October 1, 2009

Turns Out that Size Really Does Matter.....

When it comes to house size, statistics say that, for most people, smaller is better. As the glut of homes over 2,500 square feet languish on the market buyers are flocking to smaller, more efficient homes, just like the people who used to drive Hummers are looking at smaller more efficient vehicles. People’s thinking is shifting from square footage to carbon footprints. Pride of ownership is shifting from excess to efficiency.

As the status symbols of the last 10 years are changing they are opening the doors for advancements in technology as they relate to sustainable building. Alternative energy sources are being introduced, insulation is getting better, foundations are improving and off gassing from paints and adhesives are being reduced, just to name a few. Lower Utility Bills

Miranda Homes’ goal is to be at the forefront of these technological advances while keeping an eye on attainability. “Green” homes with price tags that are 30% higher than other homes cannot become main stream because most people can’t afford them. At Miranda Homes we applaud and encourage all builders who raise the expectations of their customers by providing durable, comfortable, sustainable, efficient homes that are low maintenance and long lasting at prices that they can afford.

Mark Mecklem - Miranda Homes
Attainably Sustainable.

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